Monday, February 2, 2009

Maternal Instinct

We had the 12-week ultrasound last week. We sat in the waiting room forever (45 minutes for the preliminary stuff, then another half hour before the ultrasound), but it was worth it. They're starting to look more like little people now, and they were definitely moving around a lot. Amazing! And we got to hear their heartbeats for the first time, which was awesome. (They seemed very loud, but of course that was just the settings on the machine rather than them!)

They're actually about the same size -- the pictures above are just different magnifications. (They take some measurements at this ultrasound, and so they zoom in for some of them.)

Anyhow, the maternal instinct has kicked in, because I look at these pictures and I already think they're so cute!!! I realize that normal people probably look at them and think something like "which part is the head?", but I can't help it, they're just adorable to me.

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