Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Not Pictured

 (These pictures are from last week, in our backyard.)

For their summer camp yesterday, the boys went on a field trip to a farm. (The forecast called for thunderstorms, so we thought it might be cancelled, but fortunately the rain held off until evening!)  They got to feed goats and pick apples.  (I'm glad they're having fun, but I'm a little sad that I'm not there to enjoy with them and take pictures of the cuteness!)

They decided not to go on Monday's outing to mini-golf.  (Give their attention span last time we tried mini-golf, this may have been a blessing for the teachers.)  Today's trip was going bowling -- I'll be interested to hear how that went!

The former owner of our house stopped by this afternoon. Such a nice man!


Tanya said...

Is that your backyard or a park? Its enormous!!
So happy to see you are settling in well!


Melanie said...

It's our backyard, and yes, it feels enormous! The back part has a little dip that once upon a time was a small pond, so I think that's why the lot extends back so far. The willow trees are not in our yard -- the line of little evergreens behind Matthew is the border between our yard and the neighbors.