Saturday, September 4, 2010

Today's Adventures

Today's adventures:

Mattie ate about half a banana without it being cut up for him, after he was eyeing Daniel's banana at breakfast.

We enjoyed the fabulous early fall weather at the crepe truck (but slightly spoiled our appetites with delicious chocolate croissants while we were waiting).

We went to a new playground (CH community center), which was great. Mattie had to get used to wearing shoes (cute little Pooh sneakers), but he got the hang of it pretty quickly. No pictures of him running around, because he required too much supervision to also be lugging a big camera. He decided that he wanted to eat the mulch, grass, etc. Ugh! It was especially frustrating because he seemed to want to do it more after I said no.

Daniel liked the slides -- the "tiny baby" slide and the tunnel one.

Jamesie had fun too, walking around holding our hands, hanging on to things, and crawling through the tunnel. He especially enjoyed the swings today.

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