Monday, July 24, 2017

Merlions, Tigers, and Beaches, Oh My!

 On Saturday we went over to Sentosa Island, the most touristy area of Singapore. We saw one of the Merlions (the symbol of Singapore, think mermaid-lion, a lion with a fish tail).  Then we took a ride on the Tiger Sky Tower (a sort of rotating elevator room), which had some great views.

We were going to do the luge ride down to the beach, but the lines were really long (much to James's disappointment).  But the beach itself (Siloso Beach) was nice, and the water was super-refreshing on a very hot and humid day!  It is funny because you can see all the huge ships and tankers just a little way off in the distance, so it's perhaps best not to think too much about what's in the water. :)  Of course, I suspect that's true for most beaches these days!

We didn't ride the cable cars

Tiger Sky Tower from the ground

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