Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Things They Said Today

Mattie cried a little at the start of preschool today, but settled down pretty quickly, and it sounded like both boys had a good day. When we were leaving for preschool, I was looking for my glasses, and James was helping me. He said, "Mommy, you forgot your camera!" "Should I bring it?" "Yes, you should!" I guess I'm predictable!

 Mike and the boys picked me up from work this evening en route to the playground, and we went through the drive through since they'd eaten dinner and I hadn't. Mattie piped up from the back seat, "You can get anything you want, Mommy!" :)

 When the boys were on the swings, Mike was coaching James on how to pump his legs, and Mattie was doing it, too. James commented that Mattie was doing the same as he was, and exclaimed, "I'm so proud of you, Mattie!"

[Bottom photos is from 9/8/12, with the boys helping Mike make eggs.]


Erin said...

I love how nice the boys are to each other, I'm sure it isn't all the time, but they certainly seem to try and support each other. It's nice that Mattie is cognizant of your feelings in allowing you to get whatever you wanted to eat as well:)

Niki said...

Mattie's haircut makes him really look like a grown-up boy. wow