Thursday, September 8, 2011

Report Card

Today was the first day of preschool without Mommy and Daddy. Dropoff went fine; the boys went right to the sandbox and didn't seem bothered at all when I left after just a minute or so. (They're very used to "Mommy go to work" at home.) It was a little hard for me, though! (I snuck back around to snap this picture through the classroom door.)

When I picked them up, James was perfectly cheerful and Mattie was crying. Here was the teacher's report:

James and Matthew both had a great day. They played a lot in the sandbox. James also did a lot of coloring, both at the easel and at the table. They did a great job of listening and following instructions.
Ms. Kim was right; Matthew’s tears were not from separation, but from being told no. He wanted to play in the sink in the bathroom and that was not a choice for him. He got pretty upset. Being told no isn’t really fun for anyone though.

Snack today was pretzels, strawberries and cantaloupe. James ate the pretzels and strawberries, but I am not sure about the cantaloupe. He also drank water from a cup and did a GREAT job with that. No spills. Matthew was hungry, but was upset and didn’t eat snack today.

James did not seem to be bothered by Matthew’s crying. And Matthew would have stopped crying much sooner if he hadn’t had a partner crying along with him. They just sort of fed off of each other.
(Mattie's partner in tears was also crying at dropoff this morning, so that little guy really had a rough day!)

So, all in all, not a bad start!  (I'm especially proud of James for his great job at snack!)