Monday, September 12, 2011

Good While It Lasted

Poor little Jamesie is a bit under the weather. He had a fever last night and has been having diarrhea, and had some unhappy stretches today. The advice nurse at our doctor's office says there's a GI bug going around, so her guess is that it's a virus. Hopefully he'll be able to shake it off soon!

We were VERY disappointed to see that he seems to have lost a pound (!!!!!) in the course of all of this. Maybe he'll be able to pack it back on once he's feeling better.

So he'll have to miss preschool tomorrow. I don't know how it's going to go having Mattie there without him -- keep your fingers crossed!

On the bright side, he did say one of his first five-word sentences last week: "I found the Pooh overalls."  (He really likes those Pooh overalls.  Too bad they're on the verge of being too small!)

[Photo is from last week.]

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