Monday, September 12, 2011

Boy and his Bear

There's nothing sweeter than a boy and his bear! :)  (Technically it's James's bear, but Mattie has adopted it.  Fortunately James was not all that attached to it.)

The boys have figured out that certain toys and books are for the car ride. Mattie requested "the white dog" (a Little People figure that fits in a toy car) and "the fuel" (a little toy gas station) this time around.


Niki said...

looks like a postcard for Cutetown

Jason said...

It is amazing the things that kids pick up on as the thing they need to cuddle with. Dash has a bear like that. One night I had to go in when he was asleep and it was so cute with the bear just on top of his chest as he slept. I wish I could have gotten a photo, but that would be disturbed the sleep and that wouldn't be good at all.