Friday, July 17, 2009

What!? A New Name?

During this morning's phone call the nurse told us that there had been a name change for the babies. Melanie said that we were rather fond of 'James' and 'Matthew'. No no, said the nurse, the hospital was changing the last names from 'Green' to 'Barr' (their legal name, as indicated by the birth certificate). Except that James' names was still going to be 'Green' in the UNC hospital's system since he is going to require surgery and possibly a blood transfusion. They can't change the patient's name without necessitating a new blood test and opening a new pack of donor blood, neither of which is desirable. So, we may encounter some confusion when we call and ask for the 'Green twins' since they may no longer appear as twins in the receptionists' material.


Yvonne said...

We had the same deal - odd, isn't it? We kept as a souvenir the sign that was posted on Charlotte's NICU bed that said "Charlotte Belanger".

Lisa Kistner said...

I think it is kind of funny that they call it a "Worksheet." Makes it sound like they have to practice or something.

cindy young said...

Still pitching "Bert" and "Ernie" if you are considering re-naming the boys. Just sayin.