Monday, July 20, 2009

Surgery OK; less colon

James' surgery was a success. They found 2 strictures, the one they already knew about (a few inches above his rectum) and another a little farther upstream. The doctors removed the segment of colon between these two strictures, roughly 6 or 7 centimeters in length (that's approximately 2.5 inches). The doctor said that the removal of this length of colon shouldn't cause any eating or digestion problems as he gets older. For the next 6-8 weeks James will be pooping out of hole in his abdomen -- he has an ostomy. This will give the bowel time to heal before the two ends are reconnected in his next (and hopefully, final) visit to the operating room.

We'll post some more information and photos later this afternoon or evening. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.


Ann said...

Good news! We will keep praying for all of you!

Love Ann

Ann said...

PS Tell James his great uncle Henry had to do that too, kinda!

Don't tell Uncle Henry that I told the whole world that or at least all of your friends and relatives!

But he is put all back together now too!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear James came through it well and they found the source of his problems. Now on to recovering! Love and prayers to all of you.

Leigh Ann and John said...

We're so grateful for the updates about James and Matthew! Our thoughts are with you and your little guys.