Friday, November 2, 2018

Fall Fun Night

 Fall Fun Night had its ups and downs this year. James was a bit disappointed that there wasn't a spontaneous outside football game (this was not a surprise to us, since it was dark and cold!), since that was what he was most looking forward to!  On the brighter side, Matthew did the cake walk and won on his first try.  They didn't have cookie cakes, but he ended up with a delicious chocolate one.

The basket auction included a basket with a giant triceratops that looked like a bigger version of the one Matthew has at home (his current favorite stuffed animal, Butter).  But we ran out of time to bid on it, so he was quite disappointed about that. 

We missed Mrs. Weber's reading in the library, but James was cheerfully playing a computer game instead!  Of course, he did some of the other game stations as well -- he still loves any kind of ball game. :)

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