Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Regular First Day in the Fours

As far as we can tell, the boys had a great first "full" day (they go 9 AM to 1 PM) in the 4s.  They both had fun playing with the toys, and Mattie is excited about tomorrow because his class is going to sing a special version of Mary Had a Little Lamb ("the teacher is going to bring in a stuffed animal lamb and we have to find it!")

James said that they read a Curious George book in preschool today, about George's first day of school.  I asked him what happened in the story, and he said, "George got in trouble and then he got out of trouble." Yep, that's pretty much the plot of every Curious George story ever written!

Mattie said that his class read a book about Good Manners.

Their accounts of seeing each other on the playground were so cute. Their classes overlapped a little, so they had some time to play together. Mattie said, "My class went inside first. When we left, I said "I love you" to James because I missed him!"  and James said, "Mattie was there and then he was not there and I was worried about him!"  (I don't think he was actually too worried.)

They both seemed to eat a reasonable lunch, too, so that's good.  :) 

1 comment:

Niki said...

Great first day.
I think they will both be fine in separate classes.