Monday, May 14, 2012


Happy third birthday to James and Matthew!!!

Grandma and Honorary Grandma Sue headed out this morning.  We were sad to see them go, but glad they were able to visit us!

The boys had a low-key day compared to the excitement of the weekend, but enjoyed opening a few more presents and seeing their grandparents on Facetime.

The boys went to the pediatrician today for their three-year checkup. (I figured that would be okay since they didn't need to get any shots at this one!)  They were very good boys!

James weighed in at 25 lbs, 2 oz with his diaper on (but then was at 25 lbs, 6 oz this evening at home), and I think just over 34 inches tall.  Neither of those gets him on the growth charts yet, but his height and weight are still proportional, which is good.

I didn't get Mattie's height (they printed out growth charts for us, but we didn't realize until we left that they seem to have given us older ones by mistake), but he was 31 lbs with diaper.  He's around 25th percentile for height and 50th for either weight or weight-for-height.  His blood pressure was around 100, which the doctor didn't seem concerned about.

They were hit and miss on the distance vision test, but it's unclear whether that was due to actual vision issues or just being three and not wanting to have one eye covered up.  (The nurse said it's very common to not get much cooperation on the test at this age!) We're seeing the eye doctor on Friday (they were due for a check-up anyhow), so presumably we'll know one way or the other then. We haven't noticed any problems, but I sure hope they don't need glasses at this age.

Everything else was fine.  She suggested that we could try melatonin to help Mattie fall asleep more easily at night.  :)

The boys were quite pleased that they got to pick out Dora stickers after their appointment.  (Mattie informed me, "At the haircut place we get a lollipop!"  I guess that made an impression on him!)

[In the bottom picture Mattie is actually giving James a hug, not trying to strangle him!]


Niki said...

Happy Birthday a wee bit late to my favorite twins!

Tanya said...

Sorry for the late wishes, but Happy Birthday guys! So proud of you!