Monday, May 14, 2012


Friday night ended up being exciting in a bad way -- James threw up in the middle of the night (not sick, probably just reflux on a full tummy), and then when I was putting him back in his crib, his tube got caught and pulled out his g-tube -- the part that's supposed to stay inside his body. It was scary! Mike was a rock star, though, and got it put right back in. (Whew, I was completely imagining a 3 AM ER trip!) James mostly seemed upset about being awake; he was mad and crying while we were trying to get it back in and when we had to test to make sure it was in the right place, but as soon as those things were done, he stopped, so I think the whole thing was more traumatic for us than for him.  He was completely fine in the morning (but of course, we were sleep-deprived!)

Saturday morning was much more fun -- everyone but me went strawberry picking.  (Alas, no pictures because someone forgot the camera!)  The boys had a good time and came back with oodles of berries.  (I was at the doctoral hooding ceremony with one of my students, which was fun in a completely different way.)

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