Saturday, October 30, 2010


Matthew was feeding James his Cheerios this morning. What a nice brother!

Mattie's latest words:  shoes, and hop (in response to "what does the bunny say?", although of course the bunny doesn't actually SAY that.)  He does "hop" with a very pronounced h and p, which is how we say it to them. Because those are soft sounds and sometimes difficult for people with hearing loss, we emphasize them in certain words ("acoustic highlighting", as James's hearing therapist would say).  It's funny to hear that repeated back to us!

I do a two-fingered bunny hop with my hand for bunny (like for shadow puppets or Little Bunny Foo Foo), and another funny thing is that both Jamesie and Mattie repeat it back, but they just bounce one finger up and down -- I guess their bunnies each just have one ear!

1 comment:

Jeff Pomerantz said...

Their bunnies each just have one ear? Those boys have clearly been exposed to some age-inappropriate cartoons... I think they must be imitating Bongo from Life in Hell: