Saturday, June 5, 2010

James versus the IV

The dressing for the IV in James's hand got wet, so his nurse had to change it. (She wisely decided to do this just after giving his morphine dose.) She tried her best to keep the IV in, and we thought we had it, but then at the last minute it slipped out. The pediatric IV team doesn't work on weekends, so she called the regular IV team. They came and couldn't find a good spot to put one in. So she called the PICU (pediatric intensive care) and they sent someone up -- he tried and failed.

Fortunately, though, the docs decided that James could get his meds through his g-tube (directly into his stomach) instead of intravenously. So, he's been switched from morphine to oxycodone.

Of course, one issue is that he's not getting IV fluids any more, so he'll probably be hungry and thirsty soon. We'd been offering him bottles of pedialyte and pedialyte mixed with apple juice since early this afternoon, but he didn't want any of it. Finally this evening he drank about an ounce of apple juice mixed with water for me. If he can drink some more clear fluids and handles them okay, then they can start giving him formula again.

Once the IV drama was over, he's been pretty chilled out all afternoon and evening (no doubt helped by the meds!)

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