Saturday, April 3, 2010

Summer Cut

Matthew and James were asleep last night by the time Stanley got home from the groomer. I was wondering how Matthew would react to his big fluffy dog suddenly becoming a sleek short-haired dog (and was hoping the change wouldn't upset him, since Stanley is about his favorite thing in the world!) The boys didn't seem to notice the difference, or if they did, it didn't bother them -- they were just as excited to see Stanley as always. (I did explain to them that he got a haircut, but, you know, they don't know that word yet.)

We are pretty sure Matthew is saying "dog" or trying to when he sees Stanley, but since he also makes a lot of d and g sounds at other times, it probably doesn't officially count as his first word yet. :)

1 comment:

Niki said...

wow. That is a short hair cut.