Thursday, April 8, 2010


Matthew has the army crawl down; he can make pretty good time across the floor! He's also getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth.

James is now rolling all over the room, and "crawling" backwards. He got his legs wedged under the couch yesterday, but before I could go rescue him, he cleverly turned and got himself out.

They both love to make their way over to the exersaucer and play with the bottom of it. I'm not sure what the appeal is there, but as long as neither one of them is in the exersaucer (that is, no risk of getting fingers pinched under it!), then I suppose it's okay. (It was so cute -- the other day James rolled and scooted over to it, grabbed on, and then turned to look at me, as if he was checking to see if it was okay. I smiled at him, and he gave a big smile back and then continued what he was doing.)

Matthew does tend to gravitate towards things he's not supposed to have. In the midst of a gazillion baby toys, he managed to find Stanley's ball and wanted to put it in his mouth. (We took it away from him -- Mike was about to give it back after washing it, but since Stanley was hovering nearby wanting to play, I figured that wouldn't end well!) And of course, his affection for the telephone continues unabated. And recently, he's developed a fascination with the electrical outlet in the bathroom, the one just above his reach when we change his diaper on the counter changing station. (Yes, we have a safety plug in it.) So, I'm sure he will test all our babyproofing (which we'd better get working on!)

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