Monday, September 21, 2009

Strollin' in the NICU

Both of the brothers were in their strollers today! And Daddy got to feed James a bottle for the first time. James is up to 15 ml/hour, another record for him. (Apparently their goal is now 25 ml/hour. Seems like a lot to me, but I guess they know what they're doing!)

Mattie and James say Happy Birthday to Grandma Green!!


Tanya said...

Mel--I didn't know Grandma Green's birthday is today (9/21)? How could I have forgotten? Happy Birthday to you! Its my birthday too!

Love these pictures!


Melanie said...

Hi, Tanya -- Actually, Mom's birthday was yesterday. I just didn't get around to putting up the post until after midnight! Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Niki said...

I love that picture of James looking at Mike.