Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Open Road

We took Mattie on his first stroller ride today. Mike had been eager to do it, but we weren't going to take him out in the heat wave that we'd been having the last couple of days. However, our timing was less than perfect -- it started to rain when we were just past our neighbor's driveway, so we turned back. (Matthew didn't mind -- didn't even wake up, in fact -- but the dog was disappointed in this extremely short walk!)

They went up to 9 ml/hour on James's feedings at 4 AM last night, and he's continuing to do well. From the morning report, it sounded like the doctors weren't too concerned about his low poop output -- apparently they're more concerned if there's a lot, because that might mean that the food is going straight through without being absorbed. He lost a little weight last night, which is good, because it probably means he's getting rid of some of the extra fluid.


Yvonne said...

Yay! The great outdoors. Remind me - we have a mosquito netting thingy that fits those infant bucket car seat things. Of course maybe our recent heat wake baked all our skeeters. * hope hope *

Great to hear that James is making steady progress - wahoo!

Niki said...

Today the stroller, tomorrow a last minute foray into the Smoky Mountains with Aunt Niki.