Monday, August 3, 2009


Matthew is doing fine; this afternoon he has another visit from the nurse who stops by 3 times a week to check on his blood pressure and growth. He is still enjoying his grandma time!

James did okay with the new formula during the day yesterday, but seemed to be uncomfortable last night. Although his breathing and belly looked fine, his nurse noticed that every so often he was wincing and whimpering. When we arrived the hospital late last night to visit, the doctor was looking at him, but didn't come to a definite conclusion about what was going on; it could be something as simple as cramps or it could be something else. He was having blood and urine taken to check for infection and a urinary tract infection. (None of those tests have been positive so far.) They stopped his feedings and started him on antibiotics as a precaution. We're heading in to the hospital in a few moments to talk to the doctor about the diagnosis and treatment plan.


Ann said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

Love Ann and family

Anonymous said...

Hey M & M,

Just returned from a 3-week vacation (away from the internet) and read the posts for the last 3 weeks in one sitting. I guess I have to admit that I have become a "Raising the Barr" blog junky. It has been very educational for me.

So much has happened to you within the last 3 weeks. I cannot believe that Mattie is already at home and doing super! So great! I am also relieved that James' GI issues were diagnosed and that the doctors are keeping a close eye on him. Special prayers and good wibes are going his way!