Sunday, July 10, 2022

Pulau Ubin

Pulau Ubin is an island that is part of Singapore, and has been kept as a mix of old-style village (kampung) and nature preserve. A colleague and I took a trip out there one day.  You get there by taking a bumboat, small boats that fit twelve passengers. (They aren't on a schedule -- they just leave when they're full, and the drivers aren't shy about ordering the passengers around!)  We got to sit on the outside section on the way over, and it was really fun to be out on the water.

The village area when you first arrive seems to be about 50% bike shops (with the rest being food/beverage stands).  We hadn't planned to get bikes, but quickly changed our mind -- the wetlands area was a longish walk and the day was hot!  It seemed like a somewhat long journey even by bike; it would have been miserable walking.  

Midway through the bike ride to the wetlands, we saw some wild monkeys. Fortunately they did not try to steal anything from us, although they did try to jump up on one of the other bikers!

The wetlands had a couple of paths; we did the one that was over the water.  It was really pretty.  Pulau Ubin is also not far from the airport, so we saw planes landing every few minutes.  

There was a sign with instructions of what to do if you encounter wild boars, and I commented that I was glad we hadn't run into any wild boars. Of course, almost as soon as we started our bike ride back to the main area, a mother and baby wild boar walked across the road right in front of us!  It was actually really cool -- they didn't pay attention to us at all (and alas, I didn't get a picture of them because it happened so quickly!)

So, it was a fun change of pace from the skyscrapers and shopping malls of the city!


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