Friday, December 13, 2019

Back to the Old 'Hood

 James had a gymnastics meet outside Philadelphia last weekend, so we made a little trip out of it. We arrived on Friday evening with just a little daylight left to see the old neighborhood. There have been some changes, of course, but lots of things are still the same.

We were disappointed to see that our old house didn't seem to be being kept up very well -- it was a shock, actually, because we expected it to look better than when we left it, and instead, it seemed kind of run down -- the yard was overgrown and the paint could use some touching up. 

The boys enjoyed the Clark Park playground for a few minutes -- unfortunately, it started to rain soon after we arrived (but not before they had a chance to pet a friendly dog). 

The Wurst House/Best House pizza place has been replaced by a fancier pizza place called Clarkville -- and it was really wonderful!  The inside is cool, and the food was delicious. 

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