Sunday, September 1, 2019

Middle School Orientation

The boys had their middle school orientation on Monday morning (parents not invited). Matthew was not as unhappy about it as he looks in the picture!  :)  I think it was helpful for them to see their classrooms, etc. -- it's going to be a bit of an adjustment with all the class changes! 

Then on Friday we were allowed to go in to set up their lockers. There wasn't too much setting up to do.  (Some of the girls there were decorating their lockers, but Matthew and James were not interested in that at this point -- they'll have another chance next week if they change their mind.)  However, it was good for them to have a little practice opening the lockers!  (It's also nice that these locks are built in to the lockers -- and the teachers have a key in case the kids have problems.) 

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