Sunday, July 29, 2018


 For our last day in Norway, I took a three hour boat ride to the fjords. (Dad's stomach wasn't feeling well, so he did not come.) 

It was a beautiful day -- even a little hot, which is unusual for this part of the world!  We went by a salmon fishery, a tiny waterfall (which I think is usually more impressive -- they've had a very dry few weeks here), and we saw Pulpit Rock, a big outcropping that provides climbers with an amazing view.  (Of course, we just saw it from the bottom!)

The fjords were really cool -- it was a bit foggy as we approached them, but sunny on the way back.  (And of course, very windy with the speed of the boat!) 

(At some points we could also smell the smoke from forest fires in the area -- between the record-breaking heat, the dryness, and the fires, it felt like global warming was making its presence known!)

The goats in the pictures were the only wildlife we really saw -- and these goats come up to the boat because the staff feeds them!  There was also a very well-behaved dog on board. :)

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