Saturday, March 15, 2014

Battleship Brothers

 We took an overnight trip to Wilmington this weekend.  (The top picture is the view from our hotel balcony.  Grandma Geo, this may look familiar -- it was the same place we stayed with you and Mary Ellen.)

We arrived yesterday (Friday) around lunchtime, had a nice meal on the Riverwalk, and then headed over to the Battleship North Carolina.  The boys were still getting over colds, and James was especially droopy at lunch -- we weren't sure if he was going to make it for touring the ship or if I'd have to hang out with him in the car!  But as you can see, he got a major second wind when we arrived -- the Battleship was exactly his kind of place, with tons of things to climb on and explore.  (The ibuprofen in his milk may have helped, too.)  The third picture pretty much sums up his approach -- dashing on ahead to the next thing.  (He did not have much patience for us oldsters who wanted to actually pause to look at things or read some information.)

The ship was super-cool.  It's huge, with so many different sections for all aspects of life, from the soda fountain to the operating room (since it was basically a floating town).  And a lot of the signs had short stories/memories from the crew members, which were really interesting to read (or, glance at before chasing James again).

James was losing steam again toward the end, but then we found the giant chain (which the boys used as a balance beam) and the giant anchor (which they pretended was their own ship -- they were plants defending against zombies, of course.)

We were there for two hours, and definitely could have stayed longer!

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