Monday, November 5, 2012

Dino Twins

 At the "dinosaur museum" this weekend, another little boy commented: "You're wearing the same shirts, so that means you're twins!"  (Yep!)

(When we were first coming in, we talked to another mom and her son who were wearing Buckeye gear.  While we were getting tickets, James said to the other little boy, who was probably about two, "I'm three!  I'm big!")

The new addition at the museum is alpacas (including baby alpacas), but the boys weren't too impressed by them.  :)  As usual, the dinosaurs were the favorite. 

Matthew was also excited to have his "map" at the butterfly house. 

We missed out on the train because they were doing make-up rides for the Pumpkin Patch Express, which had been cancelled around the time of the hurricane.  (We didn't feel that excited about paying four times the regular price to ride the train to activities that the boys wouldn't have been that interested in anyhow.)

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