Thursday, August 2, 2012

On the Charts!!

We had a pediatric surgery visit today, and James is now on the growth charts (between 3rd and 5th percentile).  He was 26.8 lbs. Woo-hoo!!  I think they said his BMI (body mass index) is 15-20th percentile.  

Their goal was for him to be gaining 10-20 grams a day, and he's averaging about 11/day since his last visit, so he's at the bottom of that range, but they're still happy with it.  Nice to have some good news!

We hadn't planned on this appointment, but James's feeding tube had come detached from his button (the part that's in his body) three times this past week overnight -- what this means is that the formula that's supposed to be going into his tummy goes onto the crib instead, which makes a huge mess, not to mention wasting the formula.  It's a big pain (for us -- he either sleeps through it or wakes up cranky because his crib is all wet), and it normally happens very rarely. So we figured that maybe something was wrong with the button itself, and we went in to have them replace it (which is very simple -- takes less than a minute to swap it out).  Hopefully that will do the trick.  

We also had a feeding therapy session today, and he ate about six ounces and then threw up again, just like last time.  So she now thinks he maybe just can't handle large volumes of food, but there are some medicines they use that can help improve that.  We're seeing peds GI next week, so maybe we'll get some more info or recommendations then.    

So, the weight gain is still a work in progress, but it's awesome that he's now at least on the charts for his age -- hopefully he can stay there!


Erin said...

Yay James! Most impressed with his BMI, way to go mom and dad for the patience and stubborness to get to this point.

Niki said...

Good news!