Friday, July 20, 2012


 We went to our first session at a new hearing therapy place on Thursday.  (James's previous hearing therapist who came to our house was part of the Early Intervention program, so her services stopped when he turned three.  She referred us to this program, CASTLE, which is a division of UNC and is supposed to be excellent.)

The first session was mostly for them to get a sense of where James is with his listening and speech skills, and also refreshing our memory on some of the tasks and strategies that they use.  It went well, although James is now at the age where some number of requests (mostly to say or repeat something) were met with "I don't want to."  He was quite pleasant about it, but just not always cooperative!  (And sadly, he's no longer in the stage where he'll say something like, "I don't want to say banana.")

I think it will be useful, although of course it's a pain to have yet another set of appointments.  But, we're lucky to have this resource, so I can't really complain.

1 comment:

Niki said...

I'm glad you've navigated this next step; however, i am a little disappointed cause from the title of this post i had hoped that you met a mystery author who helps police solve crimes.