Thursday, February 9, 2012

Home Haircuts

One of the ladies in the local twins group sent out an email about her friend who had started a "come to you" kids' haircutting service.  So, we gave it a try, and she was great! 

Mike said she won the boys over with stickers and letting them pick out what color comb she used (of course Mattie wanted orange!)  And they even got a treat at the end.  :) 

James's expression is not so much due to the haircut, but because he was intently watching his Scooby Doo.  :)


Niki said...

love the toy story smocks

Erin said...

This is the best service I can imagine for haircutting! I am DREADING figuring out the haircut situation when Seth's hair gets long enough. Perhaps one of the childcare classes they could offer is: Cutting Your Baby/Toddler's Hair!