Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New Horizons

We don't (yet) have a gate between the living room/dining room and the kitchen, so of course Mattie makes a beeline for the (not yet babyproofed) kitchen every chance he gets. He finds the grate under the refrigerator and the dog's water bowl particularly fascinating.

Mattie also got to try his first cracker the other day -- baby Mum-Mum, which is designed to melt in their mouths. He takes a bite, then makes a face like it's horrible (bottom picture), and then immediately puts it back in his mouth for another bite. So, we think he's having fun with it, despite the grimaces! (Grandma gave one to Jamesie the other day, too, but since he still had a bit of a cough it didn't work out so well. He liked it but it made him sort of cough it up. Maybe in a little while!)


Nora said...

Go Mattie! :) And, Grandma looks great too!

Niki said...

Someone made a product called baby Mum Mum?

Melanie said...

Niki: It is manufactured by "Want Want Foods." (I'm not kidding.) From China, of course. :)