Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhog Day

Huh -- it's babies' first Groundhog Day and we completely forgot to celebrate it! (In fact, I thought Groundhog Day was tomorrow until, oh, just a few minutes ago.)

The higher dose of the reflux medicine seems to be working -- James hasn't been so uncomfortable with his meals. He is doing okay with the amounts, but he's not quite back up to his best days yet. (The photo is from yesterday at the pediatrician's office. We were there for another round of Synagis shots.)

And I finally got a look at Matthew's gums, and he does seem to be getting two teeth at once. (All he wants for Groundhog Day is his two front teeth!)


Tanya said...

Hey! I know that outfit! So does Julian!!! Looking good!

Melanie said...

Yep, I'm sure there are others that will look familiar as well! Thanks again to you and Julian!!